Global Bank Identity

Global Open Banking KYC powered by AI

Discover the future of identity verification. Seamlessly integrate US and worldwide bank data under one API, from a single API

Simplified Onboarding

Experience a seamless sign-up process, reducing friction for customers and enhancing their onboarding journey.

Direct Access to User Data

Forget multivendor, connect directly to end-user banks in the US and around the globe under one API.

Obtain End-User Data with One API:

Through a single API integration, instantly access essential user details β€” name, phone number, email, address, and date of birth β€” directly from their bank.

Accurate KYC Info Collection:

Harness the power of open banking to collect vital user and business data directly from banks, ensuring the highest level of accuracy and authenticity.

AI-Powered Compliance:

Stay a step ahead with our AI-driven tools. Access identity from alternative data sources such as utility and telco companies to further enhance verification.

Dapi's Global Benefits


US banks supported


Banks in emerging markets


Wallets in emerging makers


Countries supported

One API, Limitless Possibilities:

Our developer-friendly API is equipped with comprehensive documentation, SDKs, and libraries tailored for various programming languages. Dive into our sandbox environment for efficient testing and prototyping, making integration smooth and hassle-free.

Start your next level.

Dapi's API is developer-friendly, providing easy-to-use documentation, SDKs, and libraries for different programming languages.

Read Documentation
Access easy-to-understand documentation for smooth integration and effective utilization of Dapi's API.